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The Cathedral of Learning is actually the tallest and most important building (by far) on the campus of the University of Pittsburgh.

By the time we come to our senses, we hope to make this section a similar and central source of learning – in this case about the twin storytelling disciplines . . . the analog and the digital aspects of almost any work approached in “tandem” – a term you’ll hear a lot, if you spend any time at all with us.

The “U” of Story U. will be apparent soon, as you may (or may not) notice that most of our work samples have an extra little “u” in the address. As in the learning department, it is our past and sometimes our current work that represents the most recent thinking and the most evolved perspectives on subjects from making a memory to saving a life.

And we’re happy to pass on suggestions, possibilities, and choices on . . .


Your stories, milestones, sentiments, and memories will live on . . . as you'll be able to share the harvest as much or as little – and as privately or as publicly as you wish. Maybe we can help – by filling in the blanks with skillsets and resources you don't have.

We encourage you to develop the skillsets that may come naturally to you – and which you may or may not have the time to pursue. But where you can, you might expect to spend some time with some of the subjects you’ll find on this site . . . with more on the way as time permits.

Analog and Digital sharing is both easy and inexpensive – by cloud, by disk, by thumb drive, by download, or by seeing a website with a browser. Whatever the delivery formats or platforms might be – we may be able to help you in some number of the aspects involved with developing and sharing your work, mainly with your family. 

Or we can turn your "work" into a Hardcover Book, a Paperback, an E-Book, or an AudioBook. A Coloring Book is the only format we haven't produced . . . and we're looking for an opportunity.

Our Specialty is "Tandem" Publishing . . . which is the confluence of a BOOK and a WEBSITE in "Tandem." Wherein the Book carries the essence of the story – and the Website carries massive additional content (directly linked in the E-Book . . . and address-linked in the Paperback) – including MEGA additional photos, artifacts, documents, author perspectives & updates. Plus audio – YouTube video, music, interviews, voice-captioned pictures . . . that a physical book alone cannot convey. And there's more. So stay with us.

Whether you're interested in sharing a simple, tandem greeting to make a memory – or whether  you want to publish a full "Life Story" – to be public or private . . . we'd be honored to help. 

Here are some hints on How . . . in three separate steps: 


If you're interested in creating a GREETING or MILESTONE or MEMORY . . .                                      help can be found in those specific sections of our site. If you're here to tell a STORY                         (big or small) . . . you're where you want to be . . .


While we’ll be constantly adding content here, we’ll start with the basics: Step One: Personal Archiving. Initially, it's all about "Staging" your story – collecting most or some of the supporting elements you'll need before you Start.  Step Two: Development. This will involve your Creative side – writing, if you can, or voicing, or generally organizing your story. Step Three: Sharing, as you will . . . privately or publicly.

Story U. is here to help . . . step by step. The idea is for you to identify what YOU're good at doing, so you can identify the places (or processes) in which you may need some extra help.

But make no mistake . . . it's YOUR STORY. And this is the place and time in your life where NO one can tell it better than you! So let's start at the beginning . . . by "Staging" your story . . .   


With a nod to your Story Objectives (to tell a Single Story, a Chapter, or a whole Book – for just private or public consumption) – start an INVENTORY of supporting elements. This doesn't need to be complicated (so don't panic). But make a list of what you have available to use – in several different categories, usually starting with Photos and Slides.

Staging may be easier than you think . . . but it may take some thinking . . . before you're ready for the real Creative Development . . .

Tell me more. 


Before you put your CREATIVE hat on . . . do a little Story Planning, based on "Chapters" or "Life locales" or simply "Subjects." Make a chronological LIST of possible stories – and consult your Inventory of Elements to know what you might use to support each one.

In some ways, it doesn’t need to be any more complicated than an organized show & tell.

Keep in mind that you may be able to do a lot of this on your own and by yourself. But be honest about your capabilities . . . and don't hesitate to call us in to help in areas where you suspect we can unstick a logjam.

Read on for more Specifics on Story Development  . . .

Tell me more. 


How you plan to SHARE your work will have a lot to do with how you Plan and Develop it . . . and while this thinking is hardly profound, it's still important. There are so many ways for you to share . . . which starts with the private or public consideration.

If what you're doing is intended for "family" only – it can be shared in several ways "by invitation only" – on custom Disks or on custom Thumb drives – or on a custom Website – using a YouTube movie called to a private web page address.

If you want to write a BOOK – in one or more of these formats (Hardbound, Paperback, E-Book, and/or Audiobook) . . . talk to us – we can help. Not necessarily as your "Publisher," though we could be – but more likely stepping in to help with just those skillsets and guidance you may lack.

Tell me More.   


This page is heavy on the CONCEPTS . . . so if your Next Steps want to go BEYOND, we offer a wealth of SPECIFICS (Chapter & Verse) on the intricacies of Staging, Development, and Sharing.

Our Best Advice: Be patient. Publishing may take the better part of your afternoon.

Staging Specifics  •  Development Specifics  •  Sharing Specifics

– We invite you to go to school ON US! –


Check Story U. for specifics on ALL available DIGITAL and ANALOG publishing formats.

Significant additional content will be added weekly.